One day, surfing the Internet, I found a wonderful thing: someone develop for Windows a C compiler to SNES architecture! In other words, you can to write your games/programs in C language and compile them, the result of this compilation will be a SMC file that you can to play in your Super Nintendo emulator! Or else, if you have a SNES tape recorder (I think few will) you can to record the SMC file in the tape and to play your own game in your Super Nintendo!
I don't know the person or people name that created this compiler, the only reference I have is the site where I downloaded the compiler: http://obsolete.se.
Bear in mind: the compiler is an Windows executable, you can even to write the code in any operacional system, but when you to compile, you have to use a Windows computer (or to emulate Windows) to run the compiler.
Who is interested can to download the compiler in the site that I said or else to download from my google page: snesc download.
In other post I will teach how to use the compiler to do SNES games.
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