sábado, 13 de setembro de 2014

Oscurart Chain 2

I've fixed some bugs (and added others :) ) and improved the functionality of the Blender AddOn Oscurart Chain (http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?226385-Addon-Oscurart-Chain-Maker)

- Now, it has two modes of rig: rig by curve (made by Oscurart) and rig by clothphy (made by Aobatroz)

- The chain links now have shared mesh, it reduce the file size and is easier to modify the link shape.

- The clothphy creates a cloth along the chain (the chain links are constrained to the cloth). When you start the animation, the cloth moves and then moves the chain. I've choosen this way because is faster to render using one cloth physics than many rigid body physics (in each chain link).

I hope you enjoy.

Download:  aob.producoes.org/blenderaddons/oscurart_chain_maker2.py

Video how to: